- Company Name BB Farms
- Primary Contact Pamela Bartlett
- Phone Number 306-482-8381
- Primary Contact Daniel Bartlett
- Phone Number 306-482-7808
- Province Saskatchewan
- Country Canada
Box 936
Carnduff, SK
S0C0S0 - Email bbsheepfarm@gmail.com
- Website bbsheepfarm.ca/
- Social Connect
We are a purebred Canadian Arcott operation. We are genovis enrolled, we scrapie genotype, our flock has been tested and is clean of johnes and maedi visna. We have a strong vaccination program. We use CIDR’s to synchronize our flock and we induce at lambing time. We strongly believe that a good foundation and breeding program improves the sheep industry as a whole. We’re interested in enhancing the industry and are always learning new techniques, and trying to stay on top of technology within the livestock sector- making our sheep and lamb flock the best it can be.