- Company Name Windy Willows Farms
- Primary Contact Michelle Potapinski
- Phone Number 306-677-7540
- Primary Contact Hillary Sauder
- Phone Number 306-677-7542
- Province Saskatchewan
- Country Canada
Box 55
Hodgeville, SK
S0H2B0 - Email windy.willows@sasktel.net
- Website www.windywillows.ca
- Social Connect
Windy Willows Farms is a family operation owned by Michelle & Hillary Sauder. We are located in Southwest Saskatchewan, 25 kms south of Hwy #1. We currently run approximately 100 Purebred Black Angus Females.
We use breed leading genetics by AI service and follow with good quality walking bulls. We focus on disposition, sound, functional females that do the job for us with little pampering.
All the cattle are calved at the home headquarters and they remain there until after breeding season in June. Grazing takes place at our Calderbank ranch, 30 miles north. The calves are weaned at the beginning of October and the cows remain on swath grazing until January.
We host our annual Windy Willows Git ‘R Done Bull sale the first Tuesday of April. We traditionally sell yearling and two year old Black Angus Bulls and Top Quality Open Replacement Heifers.